
Never To Reach Home Again

What began as a routine out-of-Earth activity was to become more than a simple setback for the crew of Solar -7 who were looking forward to returning home to their loved ones

Photo by Alessandro Ferrari on Unsplash

The new generation of the crew aboard the recently commissioned Solar-7 had been on what had rapidly become a historic mission for humanity. They were the first humans to land on Mars, collect samples for return to Earth, and be the first human crew to finally colonize the barren and hostile Martian world.

So far, they had managed to survive living, eating, and breathing within the prefabricated environment, millions of miles from home but, that wasn’t to say that the past three long years had been in any way easy for the new world colonists. Three years of trying to survive daily down on the red planet, exploring its surface, conducting experiments, documenting their findings, reporting back to mission control on Earth daily, and prioritizing the 24-hour key position of ensuring the vital life support systems were kept in perfect operating conditions were by no means a bed of roses. Each one of the thirty colonists had also endured isolation, boredom, moments of depression, and personal hardship, but they were so immensely proud of their…



Jonathan Townend, RMN - Editor - Friend of Medium

Psychiatric Nurse Writer. Owner of Creative Passions, The Shortform, No Shame, World of Fiction publications, and co-editor for The Chocolate River.