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Mental Ill-Health — The Hidden Disabilities Behind The Person.
It can be a battle in eradicating unfair & damaging stigma in our society today.
Note: Name of CEO (medium) updated 26.07.2022.
Let's just take a look at a typical definition of the word Stigma today. The Cambridge dictionary describes it as being a strong feeling of disapproval that most people in a society have about something, especially when this is unfair, whereas the Oxford English dictionary similarly defines it as a mark of disgrace or infamy; a sign of severe censure or condemnation.’
But these definitions both from two standard and well-known dictionaries found readily & easily accessible today in society at large, simply leave it there, moreover as a flat, one-sided, and ineffectual word to say the very least.
Well yes okay, it is just as it says, a definition, a word that becomes distinct, or clear. But that is just it, my point in question, Stigma holds far more weight than just a one-sided word, and a few simple, unassuming words.
I have been professionally practicing in the field of mental health as a senior nurse for the past 30 years, and have seen the negative and uneducated appalling side effects of its use by people, & just how this so-called one-sided, flat word…